Thyroid Cancer Screening, Symptoms and Treatment.

Diagnosing thyroid cancer.

Early detection and diagnosis is critical in preventing the cancer from spreading since the thyroid gland is located close to your lymph nodes. Schedule an appointment with your doctor if you suspect you may have symptoms of thyroid cancer. 

Thyroid cancer symptoms.

Many patients are diagnosed after finding a lump or swelling on the side of their neck. There are other symptoms as well that need medical attention as soon as possible: 

  • Trouble breathing
  • Trouble swallowing
  • A hoarse voice


Your thyroid cancer treatment.

Thyroid cancer is one of the mostly commonly diagnosed cancers. It’s also highly curable, especially when it’s caught in its earliest stages.

We offer the latest in technology and cutting edge medicine to treat thyroid cancer, including:

  • Minimally invasive surgery
  • Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and biologic therapy for more advanced cases
  • Thyroid hormone therapy to restore normal levels of hormones and reduce the risk of thyroid tumor growth
  • Supportive therapies to boost the immune system, reduce pain and improve quality of life

You will be an important part of your multidisciplinary team. Your doctors will explain your options and work with you to ensure your treatment plan fits your medical needs and your lifestyle.