Digestive Health Procedures

A happy gut leads to better overall health.

Healthy digestion leads to better overall wellness and health for your entire body. Our specialists can help you manage your digestive health conditions so you can get back to your regular life.


Screening and diagnosis.

Our physicians and nurses will want to get a better idea of what’s going on in your gastrointestinal tract, which runs from your mouth to your anus. 

There are a number of ways to get a glimpse at the various parts of your digestive system.


Your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube, called an endoscope, with a camera on the end to examine your esophagus, stomach and the start of your small intestine. Inserted through your mouth, your physician can also use the endoscope to take a tissue sample for further testing or remove a polyp.

It takes about 30 minutes and we will monitor you for about an hour afterward as this procedure requires light sedation. 


Our healthcare team can get a closer look at some hard to reach places through ultrasound imaging, a powerful and accurate diagnostic tool. 


ERCP, or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, lets our specialists examine and diagnose health concerns in your gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and liver. This diagnostic imaging procedure uses an endoscope and X-ray, along with medical-grade dye to see how your body is creating and processing digestive fluids. 


This procedure uses a scope to look at and diagnose conditions affecting your bowel system, including your intestines, colon and rectum. We recommend everyone between the ages of 50 and 75 get an annual colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer. 

Read more about colorectal health

Barium swallow

Your specialists will get a detailed look at your upper GI tract by taking X-rays while you swallow a liquid. The contrast highlights the different areas of your digestive system as it works its way through so your doctor can evaluate your GI health.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)

The EGD is an outpatient endoscopic procedure used to get a better look at your esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. An endoscope is a small, bendable tube with a video camera which is inserted into the mouth and moved down the throat to view your digestive tract. If anything abnormal is detected during the exam, a biopsy may be taken, or a Bravo pH test may be performed at the same time if you are experiencing GERD/reflux.

This test is performed under light anesthesia, and you will need to arrange to have transportation home after your procedure. The test takes approximately 30 minutes, plus an hour of observation afterward.

Bravo pH monitoring

Your doctor may recommend pH monitoring to evaluate the severity of your GERD or the effectiveness of your treatments. This is usually done during the EGD procedure. The monitoring device is a small, disposable capsule that is temporarily attached to the wall of your esophagus to record data for about 48 hours, measuring the level of acid in your esophagus and tracking your reflux symptoms. You will be asked to keep a diary of various daily activities, including when you eat, lay down, and sleep. At the end of the monitoring period, the capsule will pass with a bowel movement.


Esophageal manometry

This diagnostic test measures the contractions and relaxation of your esophagus when you swallow. The measurements are recorded by sensors attached to a thin, flexible tube that is inserted through your nose, down into your esophagus. Numbing medicine is used to minimize your discomfort. This procedure takes about an hour.


Surgical procedures.

Surgery may be necessary to relieve your symptoms or repair parts of your digestive tract to avoid further complications.

Our skilled surgeons use minimally invasive procedures whenever possible, along with the latest technology to reduce pain and scarring and give you a shorter recovery period. 

HALO Ablation

This outpatient endoscopic procedure uses heat energy (radiofrequency ablation) technology to destroy abnormal tissue lining the inside of your esophagus without damaging a healthy tissue.

This is a common treatment for a precancerous condition called Barrett's esophagus, which is caused by stomach acid traveling up into the esophagus in patients with GERD. The procedure takes about 30 minutes, plus approximately an hour of observation afterward, and does not require incisions. It is performed under light anesthesia, so you will need to arrange to have transportation home after your procedure.


This noninvasive outpatient endoscopic procedure is designed to relieve symptoms of acid reflux/GERD by reshaping the opening between the stomach and esophagus known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

There are no incisions, and it takes about 60 minutes, plus about an hour of observation afterward. This procedure is performed under light anesthesia, so you will need to arrange to have transportation home afterward.


Hernia repair

Hernias can cause reflux or GERD and may need surgery to repair.

A hiatal hernia occurs when the part of the stomach that connects with your esophagus pushes upward through your diaphragm. A paraoesophageal hernia happens when the junction of the stomach and the esophagus remains in place, but part of the stomach is squeezed up into the chest beside the esophagus.

To repair the hernia, your surgeon will perform a minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery and may use robotic techniques to insert surgical mesh and prevent the hernia from recurring.

Most patients can walk the same day of their surgery and may resume normal activity within a week.

Hiatal and paraoesophageal hernia surgery may require a short hospital stay. You will be placed on a liquid diet following surgery that will gradually move toward solid food, eventually resuming a normal diet over the course of several weeks.


This surgery treats GERD when medication has failed. Surgeons use minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery and may use robotic technology to wrap the upper part of the stomach around the lower end of the esophagus and stitch it into place. Your surgeon may also repair a hiatal or paraoesophageal hernia at the same time, if needed.

You will be placed on a liquid diet following surgery that will gradually move toward solid food, and then you may resume a normal diet after several weeks.

LINX® Reflux Management System

This surgery is performed when medication has failed to control your GERD or reflux. LINX is a circular implant, made of flexible magnetic titanium beads, that is placed around the esophagus to support a weak or malfunctioning lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

The magnetic attraction causes the beads to open and close when you swallow, creating a barrier to prevent food and stomach acids from flowing backward into your esophagus.

This is a minimally invasive robotic laparoscopic procedure. While patients may require an overnight hospital stay, they can resume eating a normal diet immediately.


Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

While this procedure is more commonly known for treating obesity, gastric bypass is sometimes used to treat severe GERD or reflux.

This is a minimally invasive robotic laparoscopic procedure. The surgeon separates your stomach into a small upper pouch and a lower pouch, with your small intestine connected to both. This redirects the stomach acids down to the small intestine and prevents reflux into your esophagus.

This procedure requires a short hospital stay. You will be placed on a liquid diet following surgery that will gradually move toward solid food and then a normal diet over several weeks.


Additional colorectal procedures.

Our doctors are highly trained in colorectal surgery, no matter how routine or complicated.

  • Anorectal surgery
  • Colon resections
  • Ulcerative colitis surgery (hemicolectomy, colectomy, proctocolectomy)
  • Hemorrhoid removal