Patient Success Stories

"I immediately felt confident in his diagnosis and course of treatment."



Repaired ACL and meniscus

Katie has a physically demanding career as a nurse and enjoys a 6-day a week exercise routine. But a torn ACL and damaged meniscus in her late teen years was an injury that she just couldn't shake despite four separate surgeries.

On a simple bike ridge last spring, Katie re-injured her knee. In the medical field herself, Katie had a professional knowledge of Dr. Perry but it wasn't until she needed care personally that she was able to experience Health First orthopedics. "I was so relieved to hear his diagnosis. After a thorough evaluation, he confirmed what I had thought to be true and that was that I had a torn ACL," Katie said. "I immediately felt confident in his diagnosis and course of treatment."




Rotator cuff repair

A competitive swimmer since he was a child, James loved the water. But swimming six days a week for hours at a time and sailing on the weekends had taken quite a toll on his shoulders. "While swimming a couple of years ago, I suddenly heard a loud pop in my shoulder. Turns out I had severely damaged my rotator cuff." 

James sought out the care of Health First orthopedic specialist, Dr. Daniel Branham. Faced with the distinct possibility that he may never be able to swim again, the pair worked to explore alternatives to surgery. But even with steroid treatments, James simply could not keep up with the pain. Dr. Branham was able to restore the rotator cuff surgically and James is back to swimming competitively. 



"I am forever grateful"



Ankle, hip and pelvis surgery

Bruce was enjoying a leisurely bike ride when he was suddenly and tragically struck by a passing truck. He was airlifted to a local hospital and then to Health First's Holmes Regional Trauma Center. His injuries included a crushed right foot, broken ankle, dislocated and crushed right hip, shattered pelvis, broken ribs, dislocated shoulder and punctured lung. Health First orthopedic specialist Dr. Daniel Segina repaired Bruce's ankle, reconstructed his hip and repaired his pelvis with 17 screws. 

"I am forever grateful for all he has done,” Bruce said. “It was primarily his orthopedic skill that I noticed, but he's also caring, loving, supporting, encouraging and no nonsense. At my lowest points, he never treated me from a distance. He is an incredibly special human being."

Today, Bruce has healed from the trauma of the accident and enjoys kayaking, bike riding, working outside, and even lifting weights.



"Even though he told me how severe my injuries were, he still made me feel at ease."



Hand surgery

It’s not often that surfers have a close encounter with a shark. At least that's what Justin used to think. He was paddling out on his surfboard when a shark clamped down on his left hand. He was able to free his hand to keep from being pulled under water, but two of his fingers were shredded by the sharp teeth. His injuries required the expertise of a specialist if he hoped to save his fingers. In addition to the stress of his injuries, Justin was a struggling college student with a limited income and was deeply concerned about the cost of treatment.

"Dr. Branham saw me right away, and I was so glad he did. Even though he told me how severe my injuries were, he still made me feel at ease,” Justin said. “And when I brought up my concern for the cost, he said he wanted to focus on saving my fingers first and that we could talk about money later. I was scheduled for surgery at 7 a.m. the very next day."



"I knew I was in great hands."



Knee replacements

One year after having his knee replacement surgeries, Ernie developed pneumonia and the infection from the illness spread to his right knee.

To ensure Ernie's full health and recovery, Dr. Gonzalo Valdivia, a Health First orthopedic specialist, removed the prosthesis and treated the area with antibiotics. Once the infection had cleared, the prosthesis was replaced.

“I went through rehab again and started to feel much better,” Ernie said. "It took some time, but I knew I was in great hands. In my book giving them a 'perfect 10' isn't good enough. They get an 11 from me! They were just fantastic."



"Within 3 months post-surgery I was back to riding my bike 7 miles a day.”



Spine surgery

“I lived with back pain and medicine for 7 years until I couldn’t take it any longer. Within 3 months post-surgery I was back to riding my bike 7 miles a day.,” Tammy said. “I believe my quick recovery is thanks to Dr. Zhuge, his precision during surgery and patience to determine the proper diagnosis.”



"If you're having joint pain, don't put off treatment."



Left knee replacement

Robert was an athlete throughout his childhood and into college where he played baseball and basketball. As an adult, he stayed active and, over time, his knees began to give way to wear and tear.

Dr. Jeffrey Greenspoon, a Health First orthopedic specialist, treated Robert’s knee arthroscopically to provide some relief, but was up front with Robert that a knee replacement would likely be needed within a year. He was right. Anxious to get back in shape and resume his hobbies of fishing, hunting, and traveling with this wife, Robert didn't hesitate. "If you're having joint pain, don't put off treatment,” he said.



"I was able to go back to work just two days later."



Wrist surgery

Rachelle was having a blast on a four-wheeling trip with her friends. But disaster struck when she took a tight turn and was thrown from her four-wheeler.

Rachelle realized her wrist was broken. She was stabilized at the hospital and then sought out the expertise of orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Lombardo.

"As a bartender, I count on every shift and getting back to work was really important to me," Rachelle said. "Dr. Lombardo used a plate and six screws to repair my wrist and even though I was still recovering, I was able to go back to work just two days later."



"I was walking up and down stairs even before leaving the hospital."



Anterior hip replacement

The pain in Mary's left hip was becoming unmanageable to the point that it was restricting her usual activities. Her physician had recommended a traditional hip replacement, but Mary wanted something less invasive.

Mary made an appointment with Health First orthopedic specialist Dr. John Perry who recommended an anterior hip replacement because it was minimally invasive with a faster recovery than a traditional replacement.

"I was walking up and down stairs even before leaving the hospital. In fact, my occupational therapist and both my physical therapists dismissed me after my first visit saying that I did not need them. I felt great!" Mary said. "It was just what I needed."



"They gave me a chance to live again."



Double knee replacements

Julie loves to walk the beach, but couldn't go for years because her bad knees made it physically impossible to walk in the sand.

“I was stuck inside and could barely get in and out of bed. You just don’t realize how much you need your knees," Julie said. "The pain was so incredible that I got to the point I couldn’t even sleep."

She made an appointment with Health First orthopedic specialist Dr. Miller and underwent a double knee replacement. Now recovered, Julie is back walking the beach. "They gave me a chance to live again,” she said.