Stem Cells.

Researchers have made tremendous advances in regenerative medicine to treat many diseases. It’s now possible to use healthy adult stem cells to restore lost, damaged, or aging cells in the body. This means that tissue can be effectively regenerated, and surgery may be avoided in certain cases. Therapies involving stem cells are beginning to show promise in orthopaedic medicine, as well as burn treatment, nerve restoration, heart conditions, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases.

What are Adult Stem Cells?

Adult stem cells were discovered over 40 years ago when researchers found that cells derived from adult bone marrow had the ability to form various tissues. Adult stem cells are an early-stage cell and – under the right conditions – are capable of developing into other types of cells with the potential to regenerate damaged tissue.

Autologous Adult Stem Cells (ASC) are used to treat many types of chronic pain and degeneration. Currently, doctors are treating shoulder, knee, hip, and spine degeneration, in addition to soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament) and other bone related injuries.

Stem Cell Procedure


Who is a Good Candidate for a Stem Cell Procedure?

We can help you figure out if a stem cell procedure makes sense for you. By evaluating your health history and conducting a physical exam, as well as possible x-rays and an MRI, we can determine if you are a good candidate for stem cell therapy.

Overview of the Procedure

An adult stem cell (ASC) procedure harnesses and amplifies the body's natural mechanism for healing and fighting inflammation. Once you have been identified as a good candidate for the procedure, we will review the procedure with you and answer any questions that you may have.

During the procedure, we will aspirate bone marrow cells from your hip, concentrate them, and then deliver them back into your body in the damaged or injured area to aid in natural healing.

The process typically takes less than 45 minutes. The concentration of aspirate cells takes approximately 12-14 minutes.

Because your procedure will utilize a concentrated preparation of your own cells, the procedure is considered "autologous point-of-care."

After the procedure is completed, we will give you some time to rest.

Before you leave the office, we will create a customized personal rehabilitation program to support your recovery. We will either ask you to come back for a few post-operative appointments or arrange to follow up by phone, email, or mail so we can track your healing and progress.

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