WATCH | UnlockThe Secrets to Brain Health: Dr. Anthony LoGalbo’s Expert Tips on CBS’ ‘Breakfast with Bridgett’

Health First Neuropsychologist discusses evaluating cognitive abilities during Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month.

June 18, 2024


HEALTH FIRST Neuropsychologist Anthony LoGalbo,PhD, was recently featured on CBS' 'Breakfast with Bridgett' to shed light on the importance of brain health. In recognition of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, Dr. LoGalbo emphasized the significance of neuropsychological evaluations to assess cognitive functions. "One thing that I find very helpful from a neuropsychological perspective is being able to evaluate someone’s thinking abilities," he said. "Things like their ability to learn, remember new information, language skills, thinking speed or reaction time and problem-solving skills. And by doing this type of neuropsychological evaluation, we can better understand how someone’s brain is functioning."