What is Project SEARCH?
Project SEARCH is a vocational training and employment program hosted by Health First that matches the abilities of people with disabilities to real jobs then provides support and training needed for both the employee and employer, at no cost.
The goal is to help companies successfully recruit, hire, and retain employees with disabilities. The approach helps to meet both the company's human resource needs and increase employment options for people with disabilities.
Disabilities are experienced by almost everyone at some time in their lifetime and are part of life. Project SEARCH teaches those with disabilities business skills needed so they can, live independently, enjoy self-determination, and have an opportunity to contribute to society.
Why hire a Project SEARCH student?
The Project SEARCH Program is about connecting trained recruits with disabilities to employers who value the diversity these individuals present. At Project SEARCH, we match your company's needs with our candidates strengths.
Upon employment, the candidate receives one-on-one supervision and support from a Project SEARCH Job Developer as they learn the job, expectations of employment, acquire skills, and acclimate to the job-site culture.
Our graduates receive training about the importance of business culture, company dress codes and the appropriate use of language in the business world.
Project SEARCH staff also:
- Coordinate job development and agency referrals with your HR needs
- Match qualified employees with open positions — free of charge
- Perform these functions prior to job placement
- Coordinate job coaching during initial phases of on-the-job training
- Provide continued support/assistance to your organization
For more information, call Project SEARCH at 321.434.7579 or email us at ProjectSearch@HF.org.